10 ways to take control of your Digital Privacy

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Nowadays there are lots of hackers that strive to access and steal your data. That’s why digital privacy is more important than ever. It’s very important to understand where and how your personal data is used. While the GDPR is there to protect European users from personal data theft and misuse, the reality is that everyone in the world can enhance their digital privacy with the right tips and methods. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind if you want complete control over your digital privacy.
Research businesses before creating an account or sharing your personal data

The reason is simple, not every shop or company you find online is lawful and working legally. There are some that will misuse your data and make a profit from it by selling it to others. That’s why you should do your research and see where and how your data is used. There’s also the option to share random/fake data with the site if possible, until you get a sense that you trust them.

Use a VPN
Virtual private networks will help you maintain your anonymity online. It helps a lot if you want to browse websites from other regions. Plus, your internet service provider will never know what websites you are visiting or what content you are downloading if you have a VPN.

See if the website is secure
HTTPS is becoming the norm, and that’s a good thing. But there are many websites that don’t have any security features implemented in them. They should have a valid certificate, which you can access to the left of the address bar. Sometimes the browser will tell you the website is not secure. But if you look at the website and it feels sketchy, it has no HTTPS support for online payment security or personal data safety, then it’s better to find an alternative.

Avoid using free Wi-Fi connections
Free Wi-Fi doesn’t have that much security, if any. That’s why the best thing you can do is to avoid something free like this. Hackers can easily snoop in and access all your private data. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is that way.

Stop using the same password for all accounts
A lot of people do this, and it’s unsafe. Sure, if you have the same passwords for sites where there’s no personal data, that’s fine. But if you use it for bank accounts or sites where you perform online purchases, that’s a problem. You should change it immediately to something more secure and complex, if possible.
Clear cookies and private data from your browser
This way ad trackers and hackers in general will have nothing on you. There will be no information to track, and that’s a really good way to stay safe online at all costs. You could also use Ad Blockers if you want, as these will help you avoid unlawful ads that might be scammy or full of viruses.

Change the privacy settings
Every website has privacy settings, including social media sites. Make sure that you enter your privacy settings, especially on social media and you change them accordingly. Don’t make personal information public, and keep all your info under control.

Remove olds chats from IM tools
Usually lots of people tend to use instant messaging tools, especially on their phones. But many times, their chat history can include lots of personal data. It’s convenient to have that info readily accessible, but it can be a security risk too. Which is why the best thing you could do is to delete that information as fast as possible, otherwise you will end up with issues, and that’s certainly something you want to avoid.

Use an antivirus/anti-malware solution
A good way to step up your security is to rely on dedicated security software. There are paid or free solutions for mobile and desktop alike. It’s important to use any of them, but ideally you should go with reputable solutions. There are many reviews online, so finding one that suits your needs should be rather easy.

Delete old mobile apps
Mobile apps are known to acquire lots of private information. What we recommend you to do is to delete those apps that you never use and keep the ones you really need. On top of that, double-check every permission that an app requires when you install it. Sometimes random apps require access to your calls, contacts, images and so on. Do they really need this when you play a game or use a simple app? No, it’s just a way to sell and monetize your personal info.

Use encryption tools
We recommend you to take your time and find the right encryption tools when you share any personal information. Granted, it’s an extra step, and it can be tedious, but it’s for your personal security, and that’s what you want to keep in mind.
One thing is certain, taking control over your digital privacy is very important, and you shouldn’t treat it lightly. These tips and ideas will certainly come in handy as you try to improve your personal security online. Try to stay safe online, don’t click any random links or attachments from random people, and always make sure that you use security tools and solutions!

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