Doxing: a new online danger for women

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These days, technology provides us with an abundance of opportunities; shopping online, businesses operating on the internet, and connecting with loved ones from all over the world. However, it can also pose considerable dangers for women who are unaware of how much access to sensitive information is available out there. 

Doxing is a malicious activity that uses public data to identify and target individuals online.  While this danger exists for everyone navigating the web today, it is especially pertinent when understanding how women are disproportionately affected by malicious doxers.

Let’s understand what doxing is, how it impacts women specifically, and ways to identify and manage this kind of threat. Read further to learn more about this pressing matter in our interconnected era.

What is Doxing? 

Doxing refers to the practice of researching and collecting publicly available information about an individual with malicious intent. Originally, doxing was used by hackers who would find information about their targets online, such as phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, etc., in order to harass or threaten them.

But nowadays, doxers have become far more sophisticated and have started using technology such as facial recognition software and AI-powered algorithms to find detailed information about someone from just a few bits of data. This means that anyone can be vulnerable to doxing if they aren’t careful with the information they share online or who they interact with on social media platforms. 

How Does Doxing Harm Women? 

Women are particularly vulnerable to doxing due to the tendency for gender-specific harassment on the internet. For instance, women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields are often targeted with sexist slurs and threats after being identified through doxing tactics.

Additionally, women in general may be subject to higher levels of scrutiny when it comes to their personal lives or opinions shared online—leading them to be more prone to intimidation techniques like doxing.

Check It Out For Yourself: 

It’s important for everyone—especially women—to be aware of potential doxers out there who might be using your personal information against you. To get an idea of just how much data can be uncovered about you online simply by entering your name into a search engine, take some time to Google yourself! You may find out some interesting things about yourself that you didn’t know before! 

What Should I Do To Protect Myself? 

Once you have determined whether or not your personal information has been compromised in any way via doxing, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself going forward: 

1) Use strong passwords; 

2) Avoid giving out personal information online; 

3) Set all social media profiles to private; 

4) Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks; 

5) Keep up-to-date with digital security best practices; 

6) Report any suspicious behaviour to law enforcement authorities; 

7) Create multiple backups of important files; 

8) Install antivirus software on all devices used at home and work; 

9). Finally, consider hiring a professional cybersecurity expert who can help monitor your digital footprint and provide additional advice on how to keep yourself safe online. 

Doxing is a malicious activity that can have devastating consequences for its victims. Women are especially vulnerable to this form of online harassment, which is why it’s so important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself. Be sure to read our blog post in its entirety so you can learn more about how to avoid falling victim to recruitment scams. Thanks for reading!



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