Malware Prevention and Removal

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Even though it is possible to clean an infected computer and completely remove malware from a system, the damage caused by some forms of malware, such as ransomware, cannot be undone. If a malware has encrypted your files and you have not backed them up, the damage has already happened. So, your best defense is to avert malware infections in the first place! And the most prominent factor that can prevent malware infections from reaching your PC is you. You don’t need to be an expert. All you need is to stay alert and avoid downloading and installing something you don’t understand or trust, no matter how tempting it looks.

Update your software

Your best bet in securing your system against malware threats is to update it regularly. Don’t forget to do the same with your browsers, antivirus and anti-malware programs, firewall, and spam filters. Whenever prompted to download a security update for your phone or tablet, just do it without second thoughts.

Enable click-to-play plugins

Attackers use covert ways to deliver exploit kits to user systems. One such method is malvertising on respected sites. Such malicious ads use Flash and Java plugins to run, which allows them to easily infect your system even without your clicking on them. Fighting exploit kits takes more than keeping your system up-to-date, although that’s certainly the right way to go. For further protection, enable the click-to-play plugins option on your browser so exploits will be blocked and ads that run on Flash or Java will not be played unless you want them to.

Secure your hardware

History remembers countless cases where companies’ or private users’ information has been stolen due to lack of physical security of the electronic devices. Keeping your hardware protected will save you from a lot of trouble.

Encrypt your data

It’s a good company practice to encrypt data as a security measure. This way, even if a breach occurs, a hacker would only gain access to a bunch of mumbo-jumbo they cannot decipher. Although encryption is a useful tool, remember that it only works if an unknown user tries to log in without the proper user credentials. So, make sure all company systems automatically log out after five to ten minutes of inactivity.

Educate yourself

Make sure all your employees are aware of and use good security practices, such as:

  • Setting up unique and strong passwords.
  • Staying alert for messages with poor grammar, as well as senders with numerous full stops in the email address.
  • Always checking which URL they are being sent/directed to. For security measures, sensitive information should not be shared on websites that do not begin with “https”.
  • Only downloading files from trusted sources.
  • Confidential or sensitive data (mother’s maiden name, pet’s name, birthday, etc.) is kept away from social media, blogs, or other places online.
  • Excel macros should not be enabled unless necessary.
  • Never pick up and plug in any devices that come from an unknown source. Always scan external drives prior to opening.

Backup your data

Your data should never exist in just one copy. Make sure you back it up; daily, if possible. In addition to cloud storage, it’s a good idea to have a hardware copy of your files. The former can still be cracked, but the latter can be kept safe so you won’t have to pay a ransom if an attacker steals your files.

Remove software you don’t use

Keep your software up to date. If your system is outdated (such as Windows XP or Windows 7/8.1) and doesn’t offer security updates, it’s best to mark it redundant and invest in an upgrade. Otherwise, your security can be easily compromised. The same goes for old versions of programs such as Adobe Reader, multimedia players, etc. If you don’t use them, remove them. If you do use them, upgrade to the latest available versions.

Install only from trusted sources

If you need a new app for your mobile device, use the Google Play Store or F-droid (a FOSS app store) for Android or the Apple App Store. Malware can easily be added into otherwise normal apps, and you will be none the wiser that your device is infected. When you download files or documents to any of your devices, make sure you trust the source. Otherwise, your system can be infected by a virus or other type of malware.

Watch out for social engineering

Hackers love to scam users via social engineering. They use multiple scenarios, usually via emails that appear to be sent from legit organizations, your own tech support, or various social media places. With this tactic, no one is safe. Your best bet is to keep alert for the usual telltale signs:

  • Look-alike email addresses that don’t pass as legit upon careful inspection.
  • Links pointing to different URLs upon hovering over them.
  • The text in the email has weird line breaks, typos, and other grammar inconsistencies.
  • The organization doesn’t usually use this type of communication.

Use security Software

Security software exists to keep you safe from cybercriminals. Your firewall, for instance, detects and blocks some of the known agents. Malwarebytes offers great multi-layer products that work to defend your system from sophisticated attacks from unknown sources. They also stop many malware and ransomware assaults in real time, continuously working to protect your vulnerable programs from breaches.

Practice safe browsing

Whenever you’re online, there are certain policies you should keep for your own privacy and security.

  • Strong passwords are a must. You can’t write them down or reuse them and have to change them often. Obviously, not everyone is keen on keeping that kind of information in their memory. If that’s true for you, use a password manager to keep your encrypted passwords in one place.
  • Whenever you access the Web, make sure you’re on a secure connection (hint: look for the padlock icon in front of theURL.
  • Websites that request login should begin with “https”.

When you’re done browsing, log out – especially if you’re on a public computer. Closing the browser before logging out won’t protect your information from a hacker who knows how to access your credentials from session cookies. If that happens, they can easily impersonate you and compromise your account.

Common sense

No means of protection will ever be enough for a user who fails to use their common sense. And the best tactic when it comes to malware is to make sure you never have to deal with it. So, stay skeptical of any new apps and odd downloads (until proven safe), and you will most likely escape potential disasters.


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