Top Hackers to Watch Out For

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The digital revolution has changed the way we explore, connect and create information. Technology has provided us with convenience to the point that we can continue to stay connected whilst on the go. However, as the amount of information we produce on a day to day basis increases, so does the threat. This threat is known as cyber attacks conducted by hackers.

Almost everyone is familiar with the term “hackers.” However, not everyone is aware of the full scope behind hacking, including the goals, tactics, types of hackers and their motivations. Today, hackers don’t just go after specific people, in fact everyone can be a target. In fact, now a days hackers are not just criminals, some exist for legitimate reasons. Before we delve deep into the different types of Hackers, lets look at the definition.

What is a Hacker?

A hacker is a skilled computer expert who uses their technical expertise to solve a problem is known as a computer hacker. Although the term “hacker” can refer to any experienced computer programmer, it has come to be associated with the idea of a security hacker, or someone who employs defects or exploits to get into computer systems using their technical knowledge. Remember, not all hackers are criminals, some are hired to stop criminals.


Types of Hackers:

Computers and the Internet have changed the global work environment in ways that were previously unimaginable. All of our data has been shifted from records and ledgers to computers as computers have taken over a large part of our life. While this shift in employment has lowered physical strain on employees, it has also increased the risk of data theft. Hackers are knowledgeable people with bad intents who are involved in stealing data or damage systems. Hackers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Let’s look at the many types of hackers.


1.White Hat Hackers

White hat hackers are cybersecurity experts who hack with a professional mind-set. They have been given permission or certification to hack the systems. By breaking into the system, these White Hat Hackers help the government and organisations. They gain access to systems to uncover the weak points within an organisations cybsersecurity infrastructure. White hat hackers identify the weak points and correct them to reduce attacks from outside sources. White hat hackers adhere to the government’s norms and regulations. Ethical hackers are also referred to as white hat hackers.

Motives: These hackers are driven by a desire to help businesses to find security flaws in networks. They want to help and defend businesses in the continuous war against cyber-threats. A White Hat hacker is someone who helps the firm protect itself from cybercrime. They assist businesses in establishing defences, detecting weaknesses, and resolving them before other cybercriminals do.


2.Black Hat Hackers:

Black hat hackers are also knowledgeable computer experts but with the wrong intention. They attack other systems in order to gain access to systems to which they are not allowed. They may steal data or harm the system if they obtain access. The hacking techniques utilised by these categories of hackers are determined by the hacker’s ability and expertise. Because of the hacker’s motives, he or she is a criminal. While hacking, neither the hostile purpose of the individual nor the degree of the intrusion can be determined.



To get access to a company’s network in order to steal bank data, finances, or sensitive information. Typically, they profit from the stolen resources by selling them on the dark net or harassing their target organisation.

3.Grey Hat Hackers:

When categorising a hacker, the hacker’s intent is taken into account. Between black hat and white hat hackers, the grey hat hacker occupies a middle ground. They are not certified. These hackers can have either good or harmful intentions when they hack. It’s possible that the hacking is for their own benefit. The purpose of hacking determines the type of hacker. If the hacker’s goal is to make money, he or she is referred to as a grey hat hacker.



The difference is that they don’t wish to rob or help anyone in particular. Rather, they like tinkering with systems in order to identify vulnerabilities, crack defences, and generally have a good time hacking.


4.Script Kiddies:

It is a well-known reality that half-knowledge is never safe. The Script Kiddies are a group of hackers who are new to the industry. They attempt to hack the system using scripts written by other hackers. They attempt to break into computer systems, networks, or websites. The purpose of the hacking is to attract the attention of their peers. Script Kiddies are children who aren’t fully aware of the hacking procedure.



A DoS (Denial of Service) or DDoS attack is a common Kiddie Script attack (Distributed Denial of Service). This simply indicates that an IP address is overburdened with excessive traffic to the point of collapsing. Take a look at a few Black Friday shopping websites, for example. It causes confusion and makes it impossible for someone else to use the service.


5.Green Hat:

A green hat hacker is someone who is new to hacking yet is serious about improving their cyber-attack capabilities. They are particularly interested in learning how to undertake cyber-attacks on par with their black hat colleagues. Their ultimate goal is to become a full-fledged hacker, therefore they spend their time looking for opportunities to learn from more experienced hackers.



To learn how to become an experienced hacker


6.Blue Hat:

Organizations use blue hat hackers to evaluate new software or system networks before they are published. Their job is to detect and fix any flaws or security vulnerabilities in the new programme before it goes live.



To identify vulnerabilities in new organizational software before it’s released


7.Red Hat:

Government agencies use red hat hackers to discover security flaws in systems, with a particular focus on locating and disarming black hat hackers. They’re notorious for being exceptionally relentless in their search of black hat criminals, and they’ll usually go to any length to catch them. This typically involves employing black hat hacker tactics against them, such as utilising the same malware, viruses, and other strategies to breach their machines from the inside out.


Motives: To find and destroy black hat hackers


8.State/Nation Sponsored Hackers:

Hackers appointed by a country’s government to obtain access to another country’s computer systems are known as state/nation sponsored hackers. Their cybersecurity talents are used to retrieve sensitive information from other countries in advance of a potential future danger or attack, as well as to keep tabs on sensitive situations that could pose a threat in the future. Government agencies are the only ones who hire these hackers.


Motives: To monitor and prevent international threats


9.Malicious Insider: Whistleblower Hackers:

Insider hackers who are malicious are those who launch a cyberattack from within the company they work for. Whistleblowers attack for a variety of reasons, ranging from a personal vendetta against someone they work for to uncovering and revealing unlawful activities within the firm.


Motives: To expose or exploit an organization’s confidential information



A hacktivist is someone who breaks into government networks and systems to bring attention to a political or social cause—hence the name “hacktivist,” which is a pun on “activist.” They employ hacking as a method of protest, obtaining sensitive government data for political or social causes.


Motives: To shed light on an alarming social or political cause (or to make a political or ideological statement)


11.Elite Hackers:

Elite hackers are the best of the best in the realm of cybercrime. They’re recognised for being the specialists and pioneers in the hacking field, and they’re frequently the first to discover cutting-edge attack tactics.


Motives: To perform advanced cyberattacks on organizations and individuals



Cryptojackers have been known to take advantage of network flaws and steal computer resources in order to mine for bitcoins. They propagate malware in a variety of methods, including through infecting computers with viruses. These viruses and ransomware-like approaches are used to infect victims’ computers with harmful malware that runs in the background without their knowledge. The results are sent back to the hacker once the code has been planted. Cryptojackers have been known to take advantage of network flaws and steal computer resources in order to mine for bitcoins. They propagate malware in a variety of methods, including through infecting computers with viruses. These viruses and ransomware-like approaches are used to infect victims’ computers with harmful malware that runs in the background without their knowledge. The results are sent back to the hacker once the code has been planted.


Motives: Cryptocurrency mining


13.Gaming Hackers:

A gaming hacker is someone who focuses their hacking efforts on gaming competitors. With the gaming industry on the rise, it’s no wonder that a specific category of gaming hackers has sprung up. Professional gamers may spend tens of thousands of dollars on high-performance gear and gaming credits, and hackers generally target competitor credit caches or use distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to knock them out of the game.


Motives: To compromise gaming competitors



Botnet hackers are malware developers that create bots in order to launch high-volume attacks on as many devices as possible, most commonly routers, cameras, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The bots function by planting themselves in insecure devices (or devices that still have their default login credentials intact). Botnets can be used by the hacker who designed them, but they’re also regularly offered for purchase on the dark web for use by other hackers.


Motives: To compromise a high volume of network systems



The types of hacking attacks differ from one company to the next. The intensity and type of assault are determined by the hackers’ ability to locate the security system’s flaw and enter it. This has posed a significant challenge to enterprises and governments in terms of keeping their cyber security up to date at all times.

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