Watch out for the ‘Look who just died’ Facebook scam!

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Social media scams have become increasingly common and pose a significant threat to online users. These scams often involve deceptive tactics to trick individuals into sharing their personal information or clicking on malicious links.

Recently, there’s this tricky Facebook scam called the ‘Look who died’ scam that’s going around. These sneaky hackers are using a clever trick to fool Facebook users into clicking on a dangerous link. They do this to get hold of people’s info and money. They lie and say that someone you know has died to make you fall for it.

Some of these messages also include phrases such as ‘so sad’ or ‘I know you know him’. After clicking the link, the victim is asked to enter their Facebooked username and password. As soon as the user provides these details, the hacker takes over their account, locking them out. The hackers then send the same message to their friends.

Hackers can then steal email addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates to access non-Facebook accounts. Using bank details or financial information, these bad actors can even steal money.

In some cases, the fake news link downloads malware on the victim’s computer and infects the system. This malware can access personal photos, passwords, or confidential documents.

Experts have warned that though this scam is currently being circulated on Facebook Messenger and through SMS. it can also appear as an email.

Tips to stay away from Social Media Scams:

Be cautious of suspicious links: Avoid clicking on unfamiliar or suspicious links, especially those sent by unknown individuals or through private messages. Verify the source and legitimacy of the link before opening it.

Verify before sharing personal information: Be cautious when sharing personal details on social media. Only provide sensitive information on secure and reputable websites. Avoid sharing sensitive data, such as your address, phone number, or financial information, unless necessary.

Strengthen your privacy settings: Regularly review and adjust your privacy settings on social media platforms. Limit the visibility of your personal information to friends or connections you trust.

Stay informed about common scams: Stay updated on the latest social media scams and tactics used by scammers. Educate yourself about common warning signs and red flags, such as poor grammar or spelling errors, requests for money, or urgent and unusual requests.

Use strong, unique passwords: Create strong and unique passwords for your social media accounts. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to provide an extra layer of security.

Report and block suspicious accounts: If you encounter a suspicious account or suspect a scam, report it to the social media platform. Additionally, consider blocking and unfollowing accounts that exhibit suspicious behaviour or send unwanted messages.




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