What is Killware — and should you be worried?

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Killware is a sort of malware that is used only for the purpose of causing physical harm, including death. Cyber psychopaths that use harmful malware like this have only one goal: to cause complete real-life destruction. Killware is a relatively new word that has received a lot of attention in the media in recent weeks. According to experts, it could be the next great cybersecurity concern as more critical infrastructure facilities become targets of bad actors looking to do real-world harm.

We’re used to cyber-attacks targeting at our personal information and financial information. The stakes are much higher when it comes to Killware. This concerning new trend in cybercrime has the potential to shut down hospitals and spark widespread societal unrest. So, what is Killware, and should you be concerned?

What is Killware?

The term “Killware” refers to malware that causes major physical harm or even death. Killware is a far more serious threat than conventional malware, which is used to steal personal information or extort money from victims.

These attacks could be carried out on any scale, against a single victim or an entire population. The impact of a successful Killware attack may be severe, with practically every part of our lives now integrated with the internet, from household appliances to nationwide infrastructure.

Is Killware different from ransomware?

While ransomware is typically used to extort money from a victim, the same malware might also be used to kill them.

Ransomware encrypts data and takes control of specific systems or files, such as a company’s databases. In exchange for access, the attacker can demand a ransom.

However, if the same tactics were used to shut down a hospital (as has previously occurred), people’s lives would be put in grave danger. This is the point at which ordinary malware crosses the line into Killware.

Why do hackers do this?

Why hackers do this, remains a mystery. Though Ransomware attacks are done to extort people out of money, this attack takes it a step further by endangering people’s lives.

Killware was created as a result of the rapid evolution of malware, and specialists have been warning the public about it for years. As we rely on technology, it’s only a matter of time until hackers decide to turn against us. Killware has goals, just like any other cyber-attack, but this time they are truly malicious with the intent of causing harm or even death.

Killware has goals, just like any other cyber-attack, and they are most likely malicious, with the intent of causing harm or even death.

How to protect ourselves against Killware

So far, no genuine Killware attack has been discovered. The name itself sounds a little overhyped, and that may be the case right now. Hackers, on the other hand, have a way of not just emotionally but also physically harming us.

Improving your cyber security is the only way to keep yourself secure from malware. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Use a VPN:

On public Wi-Fi networks, malware could be lurking. Hackers are well aware of how many individuals connect to them on a daily basis without giving security a second thought. However, there is a technique to increase your security when using a public Wi-Fi network. Simply utilise a virtual private network (VPN).

The basic characteristic of a VPN on the internet is encryption, which means that the information you send or receive over a public Wi-Fi network is unreadable. By passing your data through a remote server, a VPN establishes a tunnel that protects your data.

2. Keep everything up to date:

Delaying updates and patches is a bad habit that we all fall into from time to time. However, keeping your gadgets up to date is critical for protecting yourself against malware of any kind. Hackers occasionally take advantage of vulnerabilities in the operating system or software. They take advantage of this “hole” to infect your phone or laptop with malware.

3. Importance of Antivirus:

Nowadays, using the web without antivirus software is quite dangerous. Some customers choose to deactivate antivirus software because they believe it slows down their computers. Although this may be true for some older devices, having an antivirus can save you a lot of grief.

Antivirus software is critical for total cyber protection. With so many possibilities available, the decision is yours to make. Just remember to stick to the preceding advice and stay up with regular updates.


Hackers have developed sophisticated techniques in order to steal from people. Unfortunately, these technique will continue to evolve. However, in order to stay one step ahead from these attacks people need to be vigilant and learn how to keep their data safe.

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