Whatsapp Resets Everyone’s Privacy – What does this mean for you?

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After the global Whatsapp outage witnessed on Monday 4 th October, everyone’s Whatsapp
privacy settings were reset. Although Facebook announced that o data was compromised
during the disruptions of their services, it appears that Whatsapp users will need to revisit
their Privacy Settings page.

Since the outage, Whatsapp users’ accounts would be available for everyone. This means
that any Whatsapp groups you are a member of are now open to “Everyone”. By having
your account Open to everyone you could potentially be added to a group without you

To reset your Privacy Settings on Whatsapp, follow the instructions below:
1. Open Whatsapp
2. Go into Settings
3. Go into Account
4. Go to Privacy
5. Go to Groups
6. Now change from “Everyone” to “My contacts”

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